link to my older tetrode/g3-grounded pentode spice models

My newer tube spice models are in my tube model repository.

1j29b (russian battery powered pentode)

1S4.RCi4 (RCA batterie powered pentode)

49 (direct heated RCA Tetrode, class B capable)

6AG7 (GE Power Pentode)

6BW6.BRi3 (Brimar, power beam pentode)

6L6GC (General Electric Power Beam Tetrode)

EL34.TEi4p (Telefunken Power Pentode)

Due to lack of iG1 data, this tube model is "preliminary", as its iG1 model is guessed by comparison with iG1 parameters of similar tubes (6BW6 and 6L6GC). It is assumed that by this methode, an error less than a factor 2 between iG1 model and reality is acheived.

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